Radio of the oesophagus for detect Allgrove Syndrome
Here is a caricature of me when I cross a radio of the oesophagus.
The doctors are behind windows and adjust a lot of parametrize.
The table of radiology revolves in 90 degrees, as on the drawing. We put ourselves up.
A nurse brings a white tumbler with a kind of pasty white liquid. It is necessary to drink it very fast.
I advise to drink the tumbler at once, when the doctors are ready.
It is the same principle for the radioscopy.
i operated when i was 7 years.
If the sphincter, above the stomach, is tightened (radioscopy), it is necessary to operate (near Achalasia on the picture).
Two echography of the oesophagu at 1year.
Same patient, Two radios of the oesophagu at 7year.