
You follow me allways ? So in next step.

Chromosomes create proteins to interact with chromosome 12q13 to create a new protein, some other molecule interact this it, then this new protein AlADIN go no in nucleus but in cytoplasme of the cell.

Then the protein AlADIN, go then in mitochondrial network, the scientist think that maybe interact with other protein before this travel in cytoplasm, because in cytoplasm there are relasionship to dissolve protein to regulate the numerber of her in the cell.

So The scientist calcul lot of relasionship between protein-protein, with computers and electronic microscopes.

Now i will explain mitochondria.

A mitochondria is a cell in the cell, generally this simpply cell create a molecule of energy called A.T.P (accronym of adenosine-triphosphate ).

The scientist think allgrove 's patient don't create enough ATP, and It is for that they are muscular atrophy, low blood pressure and a neuronal disorder.

The ALADAIN protein is really present in nervus system.

but it's a part of problem,
and the scientist to moment understand just it

This chimical mitochondrial network fusion called : "oxydative stress",
the oxydative stress explain neuronal disorder.

i put i that i understood but in original documetn it was more complex


Some tips on mitochondria before next step :

-a hypothesis is the mitochondria increase with life, it's a mitochondrial network.

-the number is between 3 and 1500 per cell, in function of cell.

-The mitochondria have a cytoplasm, nucleus and skin.
there are complex internal relashionship between skin, cytoplasm nucleus, and external group of molecule-protein.

-The mitochondria have a D.N.A, called mtDNA.

-a mitochondria use a lot of water molecule H2O and other ( i will explain it ).

mitochondria network

I didn't understand all, but i would like to congratuled the work of germain scientist team of dresden instute hospital in germany directed by barbara huener, the work of jeremy allgrove and the work off I.N.S.E.R.M team in frnce paris, and too the work of american laboratory and corean laboratory.

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